An ordinary father-son fishing trip turned deadly last weekend 12 miles off Montauk Point, New York. The son, Cody McMillan watched helplessly as his father Marty was pulled into the cold water by the anchor line. Mr. McMillan was not wearing a life jacket when he tossed the anchor overboard. The line got tangled around his leg and he was dragged over.
The son fired a flare into the sky and called the Coast Guard. The Mayday call was heard by the USCG at about 9:30 a.m. Sunday morning. Fishing boat Capt. John DeMaio was about a hundred yards away when he heard the call. He rushed over and helped pull the father’s body from the choppy waters.
DeMaio had begun cardiopulmonary resuscitation when the Coast Guard arrived. Marty McMillan was taken back to shore, where he died at Southampton Hospital.
For more on the story click here.
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