Wednesday, August 8, 2007

A Cautionary Tale

Last Wednesday, a 61-foot Weaver sunk in six feet of water in Alabama’s Perdido Pass. The Tar Baby, as she was known, was en route to the Orange Beach Billfish Classic when her operator ignored a marked channel, opting instead to enter the Pass between the jetties and beach. In doing so, she ran into submerged rocks and ultimately sank in the shallow waters.

Tar Baby’s operator was arrested for boating under the influence, though it remains unclear whether he or a dockhand was running the boat. Fortunately, no injuries were sustained, save (of course) for the boat’s.

Marine Police Public Information officer Rick Miller told the Orange Beach Community Web site, “No one who has been drinking should drive a boat because the water is very unforgiving. And if you are going to drink, you've got to have a operator who is licensed to operate the vessel." Certainly, these photos serve as a good reminder for us all.


Anonymous said...

It was not the owner driving the boat.

Anonymous said...

captain not owner was driving the boat. owner not on board, get the facts straight before you slander someone

Catherine Pearson said...

That's true. Though my post did state that it wasn't immediately clear who was running the boat, I failed to clarify that it certainly wasn't Tar Baby's owner. According to the Orange Beach Community Website, the boat's Captain was arrested. My apologies.