Scheduled to debut sometime later this year is the largest offering from Marlow Yachts’ Explorer line, the 86 Cockpit Motor Yacht. Marlow had previously delivered an 82-foot model that combined long-range capability—PMY's test on the 82 produced a 2,599-NM range at 10 knots—with an extended cockpit for sportfishing enthusiasts. Like all of its models, the 86CMY is being built at Marlow’s Norsemen Shipyard in Xiamen, China; the facility has earned a Green Environmental Award from the International Superyacht Society. The 86 will utilize the same cutting-edge methods as the rest of the Marlows, including: Nidacore honeycomb interior bulkheads, Kevlar- and carbon fiber-reinforced hulls, and Core-Cell foam coring. She will be powered by standard twin 835-mhp Caterpillar C15 diesel inboards. For more details, contact Marlow Yachts.
Good morning Ben,
How funny is this? It's Ann from VS and I have googled the nut Darin everyway I can think of, no luck. He is a front...Nice blog by the way, impressive work you do;)
Nice looking Motor yatchs Sadly the suffer the same as Flemings and other Trawler type.
Seems a shame to spned so much money on a beautifull craft only to have to either employ a Pygmy to maintain the engine room Limbo dance or Remove the Saloon floor.Not what I would want top do after spending so much .Looks like Ill also cross this off my list
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