Monday, December 17, 2007

Baby Boat Seats—The Newest Thing?

Without knowing it, this boating daddy may have created the newest hit in safety at sea. I came across this image on a fishing-based Web site, and if you look closely at the helm, this little crewmember is secured in a what looks like a car seat at the helm of a Regulator center console. (How'd he get the safety straps over the PFD?) What some people won't do to get out on their boats. Let's hear it for ingenuity.


Anonymous said...

What happens if the boat tips over? Will the baby still be strapped into this "baby boat seat" underwater?

Anonymous said...

boats have a tendency not to tip over, but if conditions are rough enough to cause this boat to capsize, lets hope the father calls it a "no go" that day....

plumbing supplies said...

Are there any assessment for these baby boat seat? maybe an assurance If I may to asked.

Double Glazing said...

Interesting but i don't want to take much of the risk for the baby.